Envisioning Your Creative Life

FRESH ART INTERNATIONAL 2013 = New Site + New Fresh Talk Series!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Fresh Talk: Papo Colo

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Conversations about Creativity in the 21st Century

This episode features Papo Colo, a Puerto Rican born artist who founded Exit Art, a dynamic nonprofit contemporary art center, with his partner, the late Jeanette Ingberman. Their work as artists and activists has made a tremendous impact on the art scene in New York City since 1982. In May 2012, an exhibition and events in the space mark the closing of Exit Art, as Papo prepares to launch a new venture, a unique finishing school for young Creatives in the Puerto Rican rainforest.

Sound Editor: Leonardo Madriz
Photos courtesy Papo Colo and Exit Art
Music: Papo Colo, Clara Luna

Este episodio cuenta con Papo Colo, un artista nacido en Puerto Rico, que fundó, junto con su mujer Ingberman Jeanette, Exit Art, un dinámico centro de arte contemporáneo. Como artistas y activistas han hecho, desde 1982, un tremendo impacto en la escena artística de Nueva York. En mayo de este año, una exposición y eventos en el espacio marcarán el final de Exit Art, ya que Papo se prepara para un nuevo proyecto: una particular escuela en la selva de Puerto Rico para los jóvenes creativos.

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